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单词 confirmed booking 例句大全,用单词confirmed booking造句:

No amendment or cancellation is allowed once booking is confirmed.
机票及酒店套票确定后, 将不能更改或取消。
However, the deposit will not be refunded if a confirmed booking is being canceled.
若于付款后取消租用, 以缴的订金, 将不获发还。
Ticket must be issued and payment must be settled at the time when booking confirmed.
机位一经确认后, 机票必须即时缴交款项及出票。
Must be confirmed and guaranteed by Reservation Agent at time of booking, if available.
Payment Confirmed Booking shall be made in accordance with the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF HIRE.
A subsequent change on a confirmed booking is subject to a levy on administrative surcharge.
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