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单词 compressed air 例句大全,用单词compressed air造句:

Compressed air from the inside out and then blowing the net, if damaged, must be replaced.
再用压缩空气从内向外吹净, 如发现破损, 必须更换。
Instead of using electrical motors, electromechanical actuators, we're using compressed air.
Some resorts are using snow guns that can make snow without the need for any compressed air.
An air nozzle can be used in any instance where compressed air is required for an application.
Faults Analysis and Its Prevention of Complementary Compressed Air for Plane Brake Control Valves
Compressed air causes the deposition of the moisture from the onto the receptive drying material.
Junction with the compressed air pipe and the diameter and length increase, the pressure will drop.
Gas source selection, according to Air Track needs to hate the characteristics of the compressed gas.
Objective To investigate the cerebral imaging changes of pulmonary barotrauma in compressed air divers.
The compressed air should be at the required pressure to avoid the destruction the internal components.
压缩空气要降到要求的压力, 以免损坏焊机内的元件。
It wraps around the patient's chest and is inflated and deflated by a computerized compressed air system.
An external gas source is used for piloting, as for instance a nitrogen cylinder, argon or compressed air.
用外接气源如高压氮气, 氩气瓶, 压缩空气等做先导压力。
Compressed air, regulated to 30 psi , pushes the filtrate in the lumen side to the shell side of the array.
压缩空气, 调节到30磅, 推动滤液中的管腔方壳一侧的阵列。
the inner cavity of the front end cover filled with circulating water or compressed air to cool the bearings.
Study and Application of Variable Frequency in Compressed Air System Based on System Characteristics Analysis
Stability Analysis of the Underground Gas Storage in Salt Rock in the Process of Compressed Air Energy Storage
The compressed air then passes through the discharge chamber, the trachea enters the wet air drum sufficiently.
压缩空气便经出气室, 气管充入湿储气筒。
Each of the coated wires may be controlled alone and the wire feeding channels are provided with compressed air.
Ambient air is compressed and purified. The oil, water and dust content present in the compressed air are removed.
Divers must breathe compressed air to keep from being crushed by the weight, or pressure, of the surrounding water.
The preparation of sterile compressed air have been one of the important segment for food and fermentation industry.
The ballute is internally provided with a soft intake pipe which is connected with the compressed air chamber in the truck.
气伞内置软状进气管, 与车内压缩空气室连接。
after the air is recompressed through the secondary slide valve cylinder, the compressed air is vented from an air evacuation valve.
In China, the screw drilling and the normal pressure compressed air drilling were conducted for trial and the results were not so good.
国内进行了螺旋钻进和常风压空气钻进的尝试, 但效果一般。
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