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单词 community care 例句大全,用单词community care造句:

They deserve respect and care from the community.
We expend a considerable amount of money upon the community care services
Grandpa was in charge of the community, giving quite a lot of care to him.
Beyond medical care, hospitals also are important employers in the community.
But, there are also difficulties to implement the first contact care of community.
但是, 首诊制的实施也必然面临一定的困难。
And we have them tell stories about issues in their community in their community that they care about.
我们让他们讲 自己关心的群落里的故事。
Common problems existed in familial nursing care of cerebral apoplexy patients undergoing nasal feeding in community and its strategies
Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the people of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight.
要留到本月十四日, 在黄昏的时候, 以色列全会众把羊羔宰了。
Result analysis of children participatory project evaluation for community and family based care and support to children orphaned by AIDS
英文例句大全为您提供community care英文例句大全,community care英文造句,关于community care的英语句子,单词community care怎么造句,community care英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于community care,英语单词community care的句子,单词community care如何造句,community care怎么造句等。

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