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单词 concentrate at 例句大全,用单词concentrate at造句:

I can't concentrate within the day, I HAs no appetite, and I can't asleep at night.
It wasn't only my ability to concentrate that helped me at college. I was also lucky.
在大学我不仅靠专心致志的能力, 也靠点运气。
Too many charge concentrate at a sharp point may ionize the air and produced electric wind.
Now, you can view the beauty of landscape gardening, can concentrate on poetry laugh at life.
如今, 可以寄情山水观美景, 可以专心诗文笑人生。
He has always dreamed of getting unexpected wealth and doesn't concentrate on his work at all.
Experimental Study on Additional Brazil Concentrate in Sintering at Tangshan Iron and Steel Co.
The ability of the nanoparticles to concentrate the drug at the disease site allows the dose to be lowered.
Dynamic of the degradation of total mixed feed at different ratio of concentrate to roughage on sheeps rumen.
Concentrate in what you are doing currently but at the same time try to fortify yourself with relevant training.
Experimental Research on Quality Improvement of Magnetite Concentrate by Reverse Flotation at Dagushan Concentrator
On the Technical Reform for Improving the Quality and Retaining the Production of Iron Concentrate at Midi Concentrator
That followed the Old Trafford melee, the aftermath of which at least served to concentrate minds at Highbury on the task at hand.
Concentrate a big force to strike at a small section of the enemy force remains a principle of field operations in guerrilla warfare.
Equanimity nurtures wisdom. When we concentrate wholeheartedly on the task at hand and perceive the truth behind shifting phenomenon, wisdom will naturally grow.
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单词 concentrate at 释义

  • 单词释义:<军>(使)集结于某处  [更多..]



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