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单词 commercial art 例句大全,用单词commercial art造句:

Advertising is a concentrated, integrated, commercial art.
广告是一门浓缩的 综合的 商业性的艺术。
Do you think there is a difference between art and commercial cinema?
Ths use of commercial clip art or stock art from third parties is NOT allowed.
In half of the20th century, Calendar Picture was an important art form of Commercial poster.
And sometimes you create high art, and sometimes you pay the bills by doing some commercial work.
This is a marketled industry that demands commercial focus and flair, in addition to an interest in art.
该行业需要商业头脑和才能, 此外还需对艺术有浓厚兴趣。
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单词 commercial art 释义

  • 单词释义:商业美术(如广告画、橱窗设计等)  [更多..]



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