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单词 comfort for 例句大全,用单词comfort for造句:

Leather and Cloth The stylish combination of comfort and durability for your wristband.
Equip your truck with wheel accessories for enhanced versatility, appearance and comfort.
Suppleness and comfort, those are the watchwords for functional and intelligent clothing.
Why Job began to curse his birthday after three of his best friends came to comfort him for 7 days
约伯为何在三个好友来访陪他七天后, 开口咒诅其生日?
For all models, an improved headband spring will afford greater comfort for the majority of listeners.
He was getting some vague comfort out of a good cigar, but it was no panacea for the ill which affected him.
他抽了支上等雪茄, 模模糊糊地感到心里好受了一些。
Custom constructed Chamois crotch pad with full length mesh plus Lycra botton leg liner for increased mobility and comfort
For example, some persons have an insatiable desire for a life of ease and comfort and are always making their homes bigger, better and more beautiful.
有的人追求舒适生活, 房子越住越宽敞, 越漂亮, 越高级。
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