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单词 collected amount 例句大全,用单词collected amount造句:

The amount of water collected in such structure.
The spy collected a large amount of intelligence.
Signaled by the amount of collected withdraw Kanbans
The money collected fell short of the amount required.
The statement also said the prosecution has collected a large amount of evidence.
A large amount of data was collected in the form of recording; narrative writing.
Unfortunately, the cost of capital gains taxes is not limited to the amount of tax collected.
不幸的是, 资本利得税的成本并不仅仅局限于所征税的量。
The truth is that if you are healthy then your body can easily spare the amount collected at a donation.
The crude dye is collected on a filter and then recrystallized from ethanol containing a small amount of piperidine.
A taxpayer whose enterprise income taxes are collected according to the fixed amount upon assessment is not required to make final settlement and payment.
实行核定定额征收企业所得税的纳税人, 不进行汇算清缴。
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单词 collected amount 释义

  • 单词释义:征税额,瞩款额  [更多..]



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