Taxes must come down to give the British working men some incentive.
减低税收, 以刺激英国工人。
For your arrows have pierced me, and your hand has come down upon me.
因为, 你的箭射入我身。你的手压住我。
Behind female life fault child, is the sexual desire able to come down
Compared with Mary, his pride in his achievements has come down a peg.
和玛丽相比, 他觉得自己的成就不再那么了不起了。
Please come down from your bicycle. Please dismount from your bicycle.
I'd like a digital camera, but I'm waiting for the prices to come down.
Every time my doctor cures one ailment, I seem to come down with another!
If you do something awful they all come down on you like a ton of bricks.
Now be a good boy, else the black man will come down the chimney after you.
现在你要乖乖得, 不然得话妖怪就会从烟囱下来捉你。
After the thing is appeased, xiao Yongle is free from anxiety last come down.
事情平息后, 肖永乐总算踏实下来。
A lower cadence causes you to come down harder on the ground with each landing.
A state or time of flowering; anthesis. but what goes up must eventually come down.
My drunken dad decided to come down to the basement and show us all his third nipple.
The coal with ablaze move sheds come down in torrents like the chute outside wellhead.
The mountaineers did not begin to come down the mountain till they had reached the top.
But in early Pan Ni situation bullish is achieved cast, end dish dejected however come down.
但在早盘逆势上扬的创投股, 尾盘却消沉下来。
Participants will all be required to come down to the school for the announcement of results.
The rich brocade sees the business chance half, in the mind just a little settle come down.
You come down from this level along the stairway and you enter the bedroom here, going into the lake.
你从这层经由楼梯下来 然后你进入卧室,然后是湖
The rate of early marriage for women has come down and their average age at first marriage has gone up.
妇女早婚比例下降, 平均初婚年龄提高。
Why did you come down here, Beau Well, for one thing, you left last night without saying goodbye.
Is again numb and weak to obtain overseas from her peak of the tongue, collapse tight body nerveless soft come down.
For, behold, the LORD cometh forth out of his place, and will come down, and tread upon the high places of the earth.
In the meantime, network literature still should learn slow come down, exuviate goes the stink of money and blundering.
同时, 网络文学还应该学会慢下来, 蜕去铜臭与浮躁。
Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence
愿你裂天而降, 愿山在你面前绅动,
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