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单词 come back 例句大全,用单词come back造句:

Your eyes close and open again and again, I die and come back time after time.
你眼睛眨呀眨, 我就死去活来千百回。
You can shoot it up a little at an angle and the golf ball will come back here.
If it wasnt for the radioactivity, people would come back, Yoshio said angrily.
雄生气地说, 如果不是因为辐射, 人们还会回来。
I figure I'll just come clean, tell him I screwed up, and beg him to come back.
我打算和盘托出 告诉他我过得不好,求他回来。
I think if you treat people well, people will come back and come back for more.
我觉得只要你对人不薄 人们就会回来,并且多次回来
Give your small animal Apple Twiggies and they will definitely come back for more!
I will go back to see my parents next year, then come back here for one more time.
Come on!Don't be a wet blanket. Everybody's going. You can study after we come back.
He always had a hunch Harry would come back but didnt advertise it in case he was wrong.
他始终预感到哈里会回来, 但又深恐搞错, 就没有声张。
Every time they quarreled, he would go away angrily, but would come back to her afterwards.
and infuse them with these sort of predatory or intentional agencies that I'll come back to.
并且将这些模式与 一些令人恐惧的原型产生联想。
You represent the renegade group of light, and you have agreed to come back on the planet.
Tomorrow I will send this Gundam back to Ah Xiang, as she is waiting her dearie to come back soon!
Do not come back here anymore from your lunch break with that stupid toothpick stuck in your mouth!
As if the vernal breeze had come back overnight, adorning thousands or pear trees with blossoms white.
忽如一夜春风来, 千树万树梨花开
I wait for you in here to come back, to wait for you to come back there to look the peach blossom opens!
我在这儿等着你回来, 等着你回来看那儿桃花开!
Acknowledge that your current state is transitory and that some of what you miss right now, will come back.
He is in of curtain of night covering below, qi Jun advocate sleep handsomely account was stolen come back.
I just temporarily come back, if again have what assorted, also ambition again go to sleet piano metropolis!
我只是暂时回来, 如果再有什么异样, 还要再去雪琴城!
Many people who went to Taiwan decades ago now come back to the Chinese mainland to look for their relatives.
After a few years, between five and seven years, fish come back, they eat the urchins, and then the algae grow again.
五到七年之间 鱼回来了。它们吃海胆 海藻又长出来了
And if they come back and wish to rejoin the revolution they may be accepted, but must not be readmitted into the Party.
如能他们回头革命, 还可予以接待, 但不准重新入党。
And then we, kind of, come back together again, and come back looking for that sort of solution, and developing that solution.
Now after the death of saul, when david, having come back from the destruction of the amalekites, had been in Ziklag for two days.
They had been worried that if criminals were dealt with leniently and released like tigers sent back to the mountains,they might come back to avenge themselves.
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单词 come back 释义

  • 单词释义:回来;记起;强烈反驳;<非正>重复说  [更多..]



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