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单词 COBS 例句大全,用单词COBS造句:

It is often served simply as steamed or boiled cobs, or removed from the cob and lightly fried.
The thresher has the advantages of higher percentage of threshing and no damage of the corn cobs.
本脱粒机不但脱粒率较高, 而且玉米芯又不会破损。
But Tyner said the cobs and husks of corn used to make ethanol would go on to be used for animal feed.

单词 COBS 释义

  • 单词释义:chronic organic brain syndrome 慢性器质性脑综合征;[医]cesarean-obtained barrier-sustained剖腹取出并隔离培育的:此词用于指实验动物经剖腹产术分娩,进入无菌环境,并在同样的条件下培育  [更多..]



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