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单词 club hand 例句大全,用单词club hand造句:

He is swinging a club with the hand.
Club in hand, he rushed after that man.
But the drama club can always use an extra hand.
Club in hand, the policeman rushed after that man.
警察手里拿着警棍, 追赶那个人。
The policeman with a club in hand ran up to the thief.
警察手里拿着警棍, 向小偷追去。
I hand it to John for the way he managed the Football Club.
Your left hand should be wrapped fairly firmly around the butt end of the club.
In point of fact, there was a man in the garden, with a large club in his hand.
园里果然有一个人, 手里捏着一根粗木棒。
At the end of a month club leader had the unruly youths eating out of his hand.
Suddenly you have a new golf club in your hand and you have your new confidence.
你拥有一枝新球杆, 你便会更有信心!
The club flew suddenly out of the trolls hand, rose high, high up into the air,.
The women's club decided to take a hand in the fundraising campaign for needy children.
Although the Egyptian had a spear like a weaver's rod in his hand, Benaiah went against him with a club.
A biomechanical analysis of technique of Indian club thrown by single hand in competitive rhythmic gymnastics
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单词 club hand 释义

  • 单词释义:畸形手,内外手  [更多..]



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