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单词 close off 例句大全,用单词close off造句:

They were to protect the sides of the main landing area, and close off the beaches.
And when they get too close, the police loose off a tear gas canister or two or three.
Wore out with hunger and fatigue, he sat close to the stove to dry and soon dozed off.
The fire alarm was accidentally set off. Close attention or vigilance to minimize risk.
All of them were huddled together, close enough to feel hot air slide off flying blades.
A photographer and assistant brave a close encounter with gray reef sharks off Rongelap Atoll.
The carpenter shaved off a small amount from the bottom of the door to make it close properly.
Cut off others Power Supply Automatically when you want to close or make the computer dormancy.
Some jerk cut me off today and came so close to hitting me. I had to slam on my breaks #ROADRAGE
Parallax correction mark in the viewfinder can help avoid chopp head and feet off at close distance.
Close off any openings remaining in the enclosure as a result of the particular design, but which are no longer required.
When ribbon heater was cut off or connected with other equipments, the sealing of connector should be given close attention.
Being seen off is like a man on his deathbed having filial sons and grandsons around to escort him to his grave.At death he can close his eyes in peace.
有人送别, 仿佛临死的人有孝子顺孙送终, 死也安心闭眼。
From the off theres been a close partnership between the desire for something good to come from the festival, other than the decadence of the people there!
音乐节希望能有所贡献, 而不仅仅只是看到人们颓废的样子。
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