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单词 coercive power 例句大全,用单词coercive power造句:

ROBINSON So the coercive power of the state is immoral in and of itself
因此, 国家的强制力是不道德的, 其自身
The fifth part of this paper discussed the relief system for state coercive power.
Police are armed with special coercive means and the national administrative power.
On the Enforcement of Arrest and Change of Power of Coercive Measure in Criminal Litigation.
They can do a bit of damage but are not really capable of much up against the coercive power of the state.
他们可以造成的影响很小, 因此没有能力对抗强制性的规定。
However, in the circumstance of emergency the exercising of the state coercive power should be vested in the executive branch.
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