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单词 buffet bar 例句大全,用单词buffet bar造句:

There's a buffet and a dessert bar.
A bar had been set up and a small buffet.
By the way, is there a buffet or a snack bar in your hotel?
Buffet style afternoon tea, salad bar served all you can eat.
自助式精致下午茶沙拉吧无限供应, 绝对物超所值。
When you visit a buffet restaurant, start with the salad bar first.
吃自助餐时, 可先吃沙律。
There is a restaurant, bar and free swimming pool access. The price includes a buffet breakfast.
These discussions, informal, colloquial and on a high level, took time and were broken by lunch and drinks from the buffet bar.
中间还休会, 让大家到小吃部吃点中餐, 喝点酒。
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