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单词 brown out 例句大全,用单词brown out造句:

Out of the array of machines and benches, Mr. Brown signaled a foreman.
Out of the array of machines and benches, Mr. Brown signalled a foreman.
For an hour Mr. Arley sat in a brown study, then roused himself and went out.
阿莱先生坐着沉思默想, 一个小时后站起来走了。
There's Mr. Brown pushing another out of her office chair and onto the ground.
Stripping out ren species are kept outside the film with light brown seed coat.
John Brown refuses to look out of the window or to acknowledge the cats existence.
The hillsides turn brown and gray; the edges of stalk and blade stand out starkly.
Please concentrate on your typing, Miss Brown, and stop looking out of the window!
We pointed out that to use brown algae glue is the premise of effective utilization.
Penny Brown out just how important good karma is the day she almost choked to death.
潘妮?布朗差点噎死的那天, 便发觉善业是多么重要。
Brown swore he would carry out throughout reformation to prevent recurrence of these scandals.
My sister lifts her head to get a gulp of air, pushing her mess of brown curls out of the way.
我妹妹抬起头吸一大口气, 撩开她乱糟糟的褐色卷发。
I stare longingly out the window at the frost-wilted princess tree, and at the bare brown flower beds.
And England defender Wes Brown is also out due to a broken metatarsal injury sustained in the win at Molineux.
Brown sent out one of his men and one of the prisoners with a white flag. The excited crowd refused to recognize the white flag.
"Mr. Powell finds it easier to take it out of mothers, children and sick people than to take on this vast industry," Mr. Brown commented icily.
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