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单词 build out 例句大全,用单词build out造句:

We'll need to attract the investors who will build out the infrastructure.
我们需要吸引投资商 他们会建设基础设施
We build out of the unfinished idea, even if that idea is our former self.
Steve could build something beautiful and take all of the fright out of it.
Missy He was trying to build some sort of armed robot to keep me out of his room.
I think it needs powerful alliances to jointly build out of its flagship enterprise.
Figuring out how to build a more just world is our work to do, and our story to tell.
First of all, it's going to be built up, we're going to build the stuff out of silicon.
Or with weak those who fizzle out is Anacreontic and tonal build a joy, cordial atmosphere.
It rules out the possibility of what's needed to build a relationship between Tom and Ryan.
破坏了汤姆跟莱恩 培养感情的机会。
Running out of coastline to build hotels Build vast artificial islands with120km of new beachfront.
Some factions may be able to build amphibious tanks that would simply claw their way out of the sea.
For a look at some business students trying to build their own businesses, check out our slide show.
如要查看更多创业学生的故事, 请点击我们的幻灯片。
The British people are getting sick and tired of lashing out money to build new roads in Czechoslovakia.
We will carry out ecological conservation projects to build key forest shelterbelts and protect virgin forests.
Important Lesson There are an abundance of amazing people out there for you to meet and build relationships with.
Sell oil, build pipelines and use all the nasty tricks to drive your rivals out of business sabotage and espionage included.
Build contemporary agriculture company, the farmer becomes a shareholder with cropland, participate in profit share out bonus.
Notwithstanding thou shalt not build the house; but thy son which shall come forth out of thy loins, he shall build the house for my name.
To Build up Public Security Science and Technology Capability Is A Top Priority Task in Carrying out Strategy of the Police Strengthened by Science and Technology
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单词 build out 释义

  • 单词释义:增建(一座建筑物的另一部分)  [更多..]



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