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单词 build of 例句大全,用单词build of造句:

The four representatives agreed to build the industrial park to the south of Jericho.
AIM To build a knowledge base of osteoma comp ut erassisted diagnostic expert system.
Upon P. E. the patient of medium build appeared chronically ill, very thin and frail.
在体检时, 这个中等身材的病人, 显出一副慢性病相, 很瘦弱。
The build up of dead cells can also contribute to blockage of the pores causing acne.
Take Advantage of the Resources and Build a Green Food Nuts City of Industry and Trade
Space beam program is adopted to build up the main tower model of Tianjin Chifeng Bridge.
We plan to build a touch panel production line with annual output of 600 thousand pieces.
On physical examination, the patient is a man of moderate build, in no apparent distress.
患者体形适中, 没有明显痛苦面容。
Socialism cannot build in the country that is full of blind of analphabetic, division in.
With aureate as the impression, going up daub of eyelid big range, build abstruse feeling.
以金色作为底色, 在上眼皮大范围涂抹, 营造深邃感。
Can build the atmosphere simulation system of the lifelike result, the mere shadow system.
It's our attempt as humans to build an understanding of the universe, the world around us.
是人类为了 表达对宇宙和周围世界的认知而进行的尝试。
And then you can break down each country in terms of the actual datasets that build into it.
然后你可以将每个国家 按实际多数据集分开看。
The Romans they were the first to build aqueducts in the area to aid irrigation of the land.
At the same time, we should build the ecological circle of dry land and maritime agriculture.
She said it is also in the U.S. interest to help the nations of Africa build stable societies.
她说, 帮助非洲国家建立稳定的社会也符合美国精神。
Regret being an appalling waste of energy you can not build on it its only good for wallow in.
后悔是精力的一大浪费你不能靠它, 只适宜沉迷于其中。
The acceptance phase is designed to help build a positive perception of the companys direction.
CNPC to build s announcement of the signing of two contracts, totaling nearly 267 million yuan.
To recoup the 1. 9 billion it cost to build the Galaxy, it will have to attract a lot of losers.
为了收回19亿的建设成本, 银河必须吸引大量输家。
Choose to build a batch of demonstration bases of intelligent agricultural application and so on.
Running out of coastline to build hotels Build vast artificial islands with120km of new beachfront.
This would allow students to build up their qualifications by taking a variety of units, or modules.
Some factions may be able to build amphibious tanks that would simply claw their way out of the sea.
To make full use of the advertisement, we should build a creditable atmosphere in the business circle.
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单词 build of 释义

  • 单词释义:用(某种材料)建造(某物)  [更多..]



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