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单词 chew out 例句大全,用单词chew out造句:

She's gonna chew me out.
I watched him chew out an umpire
How could you chew me out like this?
I guess I'll have to chew them up and spit them out.
You should not chew the bone after out from the meat.
分开骨头和食物时, 不要把骨头放进嘴里啃。
It was nice to go out with friends and chew the fat for a while.
Society is gonna take your kids, chew them up and spit them out.
The sea would chew this thing up and spit it out in tiny little pieces.
海会嚼这个东西和随地吐痰, 小小得件出来。
If I don't go home soon, my parents will chew me out for missing my curfew.
Chew your words, lest you choke You better watch your mouth Wash it out with soap.
咀嚼你的话, 免得你呛更好, 你看你的嘴, 用肥皂。
It was a lovely evening. It was nice to go out with friends and chew the fat for a while.
Instead of biting off more than you can chew, figure out what you can reasonably accomplish by the end of2010.
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