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单词 cheap money 例句大全,用单词cheap money造句:

cheap money
The camera is cheap at the money.
Cheap money has accelerated the process.
The era of cheap money is nearing an end.
It is not hard to do when money is so cheap.
在货币还是很便宜的时候, 这不难做到。
She fritters away all her money on cheap clothes.
If you want to make money buy cheap and sell dear.
你要是想赚钱, 脑子里就得想著钱。
If you want to make money, buy cheap and sell dear.
I have no enough money. I have to buy the cheap one.
The boss made money by buying cheap and selling dear.
But this cheap money sparked a new wave of risk taking.
If you want to make money, you must buy cheap and sell dear.
如果你想要赚钱, 你必须贱买贵卖。
Cheap money helped buyers to bid ever higher during the boom.
在经济景气时期, 低息贷款使买主出价越来越高。
Well, I could, but I also too cheap to spend money to buy a new one.
想换, 但是买一台新的电脑对于我来说太奢侈了。
Buy Miss eloquence and the thrill of buy cheap goods worth 500 money.
There was a lot of cheap money around, and it needed to be reinvested.
It has got to be cheap so that, if I am wrong, I don't lose much money.
因为他要便宜, 这样, 如果我错了, 我不要失去太多的钱。
Winos like cheap wine, because it gives the most kick for a little money.
酒鬼爱喝价钱便宜得酒, 因为这种酒花钱少而劲儿大。
Winos like cheap wine, because it gives the most kick for a little money.
The American consumer across as a helpless addict hooked on to cheap money.
Alas, what is tight and cheap money is far from clear at any particular time.
Good astrologers don't come cheap, but they do provide great value for the money.
Brown sought to take credit for the combination of low inflation and cheap money.
After a period of extraordinarily cheap money, interest rates are going up around the world.
在一段超低利率之后, 全世界利率都在不断上升。
But with an artificially strong currency and access to cheap debt, the Greeks took the money and ran.
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单词 cheap money 释义

  • 单词释义:低息贷款;来得容易的非正当收入;在钱上好商量的人,低息借款[资金];低利率  [更多..]



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