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单词 chemical pure 例句大全,用单词chemical pure造句:

Pure fier products and high chemical stability.
A pure substance is one that is uniform and invariable in chemical composition.
We can separate the mixture into the pure chemical compounds of which it is composed.
The sulphur is recovered as pure sulphur and sold as a feedstock to the chemical industry.
Real wood material is natural, pure and fresh and natural chemical pollution, and consumers.
实木材质清新自然, 天然无化学污染, 因而备受消费者青睐。
And then we expand it out in terms of the standard chemical potentials for everything being pure.
然后按照所有, 纯净物的标准化学势展开混合。
If a relatively pure product is desired, chemical methods of purification prior to rectification are employed.
And instead of these chemical potentials, you would write them in terms of the pure chemical potentials times their concentrations.
The law of definite proportion states that different samples of a pure chemical substance always contain the same proportion of elements by mass.
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单词 chemical pure 释义

  • 单词释义:[医]化学纯的,化学纯  [更多..]



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