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单词 change round 例句大全,用单词change round造句:

We've got to change that failure round into success.
We sent a round robin to the boss asking him to change the shift system.
我们向老板递交了一份圆形签名请愿书, 要求他改变轮班制。
With the Round Distribution Method to Probe the Seasonal Change of Flies
The associations clustering round a word can in fact change very rapidly.
And then the final thing, just to round out my Happy List, is climate change.
恩, 最后一点, 只是补充我的幸运名单, 就是气候变化。
It's normal that beautiful girls are dangled round. I suggest you to Change a target.
See the below for the change chart of wedge angle of round eccentricity and unfolded layout.
If you can change the egg in frying a meal again, answer complete egg, round egg is happy also!
如果你能把炒饭中的蛋再变回完整的蛋, 圆蛋也快乐喔!
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