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单词 cautionary tale 例句大全,用单词cautionary tale造句:

They dont mind serving as a cautionary tale.
a cautionary tale about the problems of buying a computer
To illustrate the point the book kicks off with a cautionary tale.
After that, cassandra's status went from a cautionary tale to legend.
Bill's mother told him the cautionary tale of the little boy who wouldn't eat his food.
But what was intended as a cautionary tale was taken by some readers as blaming the victims.
不过, 这个意在警世的故事, 一些读者解读为作者怪罪受害者。
Unfortunately, Guos fate doesnt seem to have served as a sufficiently cautionary tale for other officials.
She said she hopes her experiences will serve as a cautionary tale for other young women on the trail of easy money.
她说, 她希望自己的经历能给喜欢快钱的女人们提个醒。
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