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单词 cause field 例句大全,用单词cause field造句:

On the effect and cause of rice borer control by drainage of the rice field
Cause the players tried to take the field The marching band refused to yield.
当其他的乐队也想进入这块试验田, 先锋却拒绝再玩。
After the field investigations, the cause of the fire has been preliminarily verified.
Perturbations of the force field will cause changes, or variations, of the displacement field.
Scaling would cause great harm on oil and gas production, water injection and drainage process field.
In the material field there is a determinism which comes from the law of consequences, from the law of cause and effect
在物质界域有一来自结果律的决定, 来自因与果之律则的
英文例句大全为您提供cause field英文例句大全,cause field英文造句,关于cause field的英语句子,单词cause field怎么造句,cause field英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于cause field,英语单词cause field的句子,单词cause field如何造句,cause field怎么造句等。

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