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单词 caught stealing 例句大全,用单词caught stealing造句:

Some boys were caught stealing flowers from the garden.
The policeman brought in two boys he had caught stealing.
The police caught the released prisoner stealing a bicycle.
The policeman brought in two boys whom he had caught stealing.
When the thief was stealing money he was caught then and there.
小偷在偷钱时, 当场被抓获。
They caught him stealing company property and he was sent packing.
His reputation was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money.
Mr Green caught Mr Smith stealing some money,and sent for the police.
The official was dismissed from his post when he was caught stealing money.
官员偷钱被抓获, 所以他被解雇了。
The policeman snapped the light on and caught the thief stealing the jewels.
警察啪地打开灯, 抓住了正在偷珠宝的贼。
John as caught for picking and stealing, and was dragged to the police station.
The worker was dismissed from the factory when he was caught stealing bicycle parts.
这个工人被发现盗窃自行车零件后, 就被开除出厂了。
The thief was feeling glad about stealing a mobile phone when he was caught by two policemen.
Security worker You are accomplice of stealing diamond. Now caught with goods, do not want to deny.
Cattle thieves were stealing the rancher's cattle when the cowboys caught them and a necktie party.
Caught by the shopkeeper for stealing candy, the little boy fell silent when having nothing left to justify himself.
那个小男孩偷糖时被店主逮着, 他理屈词穷。
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单词 caught stealing 释义

  • 单词释义:(棒球)偷垒被杀  [更多..]



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