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单词 CASTS 例句大全,用单词CASTS造句:

Doing so often necessitates the addition of casts to get the code to compile.
The police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window.
He is not acting anymore as a leading man, but a part of the supporting casts.
It assembles in a line and casts with molten lead a single piece of type slug.
The Psychological Structure of the Belief That a Bronze Mirror Casts out Devils
There are a number of famous statues in the museum, including two bronze casts.
Observation on the Uterine Artery Casts of Rhinopithecus r.Roxellanae and Human.
Mr White is so kind and generous that he always casts his bread upon the waters.
怀特先生很厚道慷慨, 总是做好事而不图报答。
The composition and structure of the casts will be discussed in a later chapter.
To narrate what happens here, Patty casts off and lands on the fist at 4 seconds.
There have reports of worm casts being deposited to such a height in cereal stooks.
The casts were used in country houses and art academies as decoration and for study.
Deputy make very flurried also, the thing that boards the boat urgently casts the sea.
So, casts to type parameters will turn into casts to the upper bound of the parameter.
因此, 对类型参数的数据类型转换将变成对参数上界的转换。
There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.
爱无所惧但是完美的爱能掷出恐惧, 因为恐惧包括痛苦。
Dressings or casts should be carefully observed for any covert signs of bleeding or drainage.
应仔细观察敷裹或石膏, 及时发现不明显的出血或渗液迹象。
Whenever in solitude, he normally casts back his mind to his childhood free of cares and worries.
At this time also not the beginnings inquire, can be the mistrust that casts aside an in the mind.
此时也不好开口询问, 只能是撇开心里的疑惑。
He seemed, with his chilling an lofty aspect, like some eminence which casts a shadow over the sun.
The judge pronounced for the defendant, mad also said that his opponent should pay the court casts.
法官判被告无罪, 并判原告交纳诉讼费。
Analysis on the Cast Condition Graphite in Production of the Ferrite Nodular Graphite Malleable Casts.
That lamp holder and the lamp pole adopts casts aluminium or the stainless steel material manufacturing.
As for an idol, a craftsman casts it, and a goldsmith overlays it with gold and fashions silver chains for it.
A skull appears, and then a reflection of leaves in water casts itself across his actions, lending a flickering, fiery cadence to the proceedings.
As a result, it can decrease production routine and reduce production casts, which will lay foundations for practical research on parts such as crank axle.

单词 CASTS 释义

  • 单词释义:Canal Safe Transit System 运河安全运输系统  [更多..]



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