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单词 catch up with 例句大全,用单词catch up with造句:

It takes a lot of time to catch up with a cultural lag.
We must catch up with and surpass advanced world levels.
The chef couldn't catch up with the many orders he received.
I read more books so that I can catch up with my classmates.
I'm badly behind with my work and making efforts to catch up.
The player caught up with the ball in time to make the catch.
球员及时接住球, 胜券在握。
The less advanced strives to catch up with the more advanced.
We'll do our best to catch up with the advanced world levels.
We are working hard to catch up with the advanced world levels.
我们正在努力工作, 以赶上世界先进水平。
I walked as fast as I could, but I could not catch up with him.
Jack studied hard so that he could catch up with his classmates.
Ann went all out to catch up with her classmates, but she failed.
安尽全力在功课上赶上她的同学们, 但她没有成功。
We are striving to catch up with and surpass advanced world levels.
They should take some crash courses to catch up with their classmates.
If they arrived early ten minutes, just they catch up with the airliner.
Industry sources say Fedex's is trying to catch up with its competitors.
I'm trying to catch up with the latest developments in molecular biology.
After he get well Bob make a fierce effort to catch up with his classmate.
After he get well bob make a fierce effort to catch up with his classmate.
However, the added control does not catch up with postback data processing.
但是, 所添加控件不参与回发数据处理。
After he got well Bob made a fierce effort to catch up with his classmates.
鲍伯痊愈后拼命用功, 以期赶上班里得同学。
She worked so hard as to catch up with her classmates in a very short time.
I also am knew that here has the attractive girl only then to catch up with.
Has many automobiles on the street, the people catch up with are going home.
有很多汽车在街上, 人们都赶着回家。
Tom missed some classes and he felt it hard to catch up with his classmates.
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单词 catch up with 释义

  • 单词释义:追上; 赶上;和…算旧账;使…最终尝到苦果  [更多..]



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