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单词 catch on 例句大全,用单词catch on造句:

Catch the breeze and the winter chills, In colors on the snowy linen land.
Take time to catch up on gossip and make plans to do a little adventure travel.
Paparazzi always try to catch movie stars on camera during their everyday life.
She's out on the basketball court, and she tries to catch their eyes in greeting.
You'd better catch on a bit too. What's good about pulling a rickshaw all the time ?
你也得学着点, 拉一辈子车又算老几?
Launching my surfboard from the beach on Hainan Island, I paddle out to catch a wave.
They lived on fish and meat and used to make holes in the ice and catch fish and seals.
Just about anything could happen and we'll be there to catch it on camera when it does.
Her fingers catch the skin on her brothers neck as she hauls him backward by the collar.
她用手指掐住丹尼的后脖子, 拽住他的领子往后拉。
In many crashes, the passenger cabin remained intact and the plane did not catch on fire.
Analysis on catch rate of tuna longline fishing in the high sea of tropical Atlantic Ocean
When you're watching the cartoon, catch the key words,; here you should focus on the names.
Study on Predicting Catch of Jellyfish in Liao Dong Wan Bay and Predicting Catch in Advance
On absorption of oxygen, patients with a big mouth to catch my breath, then stopped breathing.
As a whale expels water from its pouch, krill catch on the baleen edging the roof of its mouth.
A Study on Forcasting of Shrimp Catch in Fishing Ground of HaiyangIsland in Autumn Fishing Season
That's a thunder storm, it comes on very fast. Go and change your wet clothes or you'll catch a cold.
这是雷阵雨, 来得很快。快把湿衣服换下来, 不然准会感冒。
Trying to catch up on sleep on the weekends can just push ones biological clock further out of whack.
You also can suck the redundant grease on eyelid to stop in case with oil absorption paper dizzy catch.
Reasearch on the Feasibility of Introducing Push Hands of Wushu into Catch and Capture Arts of Policemen
A few members of media met the conditions of technology, but simply failed to catch on with the mass audience.
The Effect Derived from Beach Catch on Coastal Living Resources and Corresponding Countermeasures of Management
Back from a biz trip. Need to go to work early tomorrow morning to catch up on all the work that piled up while I was gone.
Butterfly A butterfly is standing on a marigold quietly I want to catch it In this world, there is a kind of beauty Making us repentant
If you say ' you know ' too much, wear a golf counter on your wrist, and press the button whenever you catch yourself saying ' you know '.
英文例句大全为您提供catch on英文例句大全,catch on英文造句,关于catch on的英语句子,单词catch on怎么造句,catch on英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于catch on,英语单词catch on的句子,单词catch on如何造句,catch on怎么造句等。

单词 catch on 释义

  • 单词释义:变得流行;<非正>理解;投合心意  [更多..]



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