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单词 catch in 例句大全,用单词catch in造句:

Miss Yates likes to catch up on the latest fashions in clothes from Paris.
When used to catch trout in the British Isles, it is called trout tickling.
在不列颠群岛被用来钓鲑鱼时, 被称为挠鲑。
Catch the breeze and the winter chills, In colors on the snowy linen land.
He bundled out from the hotel early in the morning to catch the first train.
He jumped into the river to catch the big bass in defiance of the cold water.
Once, amah in old judge of hearsay of public opinion bound and home has catch.
In this way the average autumn catch has been increased by two or three times.
Jack Qiao loaded up to catch a train bound for the United States in the South.
Auden has been fighting Annie off for years, but she will catch him in the end.
奥登多年来一直避开安妮, 但她最终会找到他的。
The first thing to catch your sight is the neatly arranged desks in the middle.
In this way, the average autumn catch has been increased by two or three times.
When the light shines just sg s bronze squares in the doors seem to catch fire.
当光线恰好照过来时, 门上的青铜色方块就像着了火似的。
They are making every effort to catch up with the advanced level in our country.
Let them languish in a box in your bedroom and you are sure to catch some flack.
Almost exhausted, he finally drew his catch alongside and drove in the harpoon.
She's out on the basketball court, and she tries to catch their eyes in greeting.
and after several ineffectual attempts to catch them in the tin bucket he forbore.
It's also the place to catch the ferry to Angel Island and other places in the Bay.
The alleged happy is being barefooted in the field we catch the dragonfly till tire.
He could not help looking annoyed when he detected there was a catch in her remarks.
他听出她话中有刺, 不觉脸带愠色。
Prediction and analysis of prawn catch in the Bohai Sea in the autumn fishing season
They can catch hold of the business hap and take the ideal to actualize in good time.
他们都能很好的抓住商机, 及时地把想法付诸于行动。
We expect the major uptrend to reassert itself and catch a breakout in its direction.
To catch up with the advanced country in economy is our constant goal in the century.
The trees catch a capture dustamonial, ammonia and orders odors in their leaves, they.
树用树叶吸灰尘, 氨和不良气味。
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单词 catch in 释义

  • 单词释义:绊倒…;给…绊了一下;遇上雨;当场抓住  [更多..]



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