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单词 creating 例句大全,用单词creating造句:

Creating a famous trademark for school and constructing the effective access for employment
Adding Vigour to the Organizational Work with Bring Forth New Ideas and Creating Excellence
To me, creating clothes is all about adding colour and creating shape around a personality.
No personally identifiable information is shared with an advertiser in creating a Social Ad.
The administration likes it because it avoids the prospect of creating a furor if , he says.
政府喜欢这样, 因为如果, 这可以避免引起抗议浪潮。
Establishing products brand, creating famous brand and advancing the agribusiness management
The Third Element Is Creating A New Temporary Worker Program That Would Not Provide Amnesty.
第三个因素是建立短期劳工项目, 不提供特赦。
Creating and accomplishing small goals will increase your confidence and feelings of control.
Creating anonymous methods is essentially a way to pass a code block as a delegate parameter.
要将代码块传递为委托参数, 创建匿名方法则是唯一的方法。
The patient's own amniotic fluid cells can then be used as the base for creating a new kidney.
So we're the amoebas and we can't quite figure out what the hell this thing is we're creating.
Defining a new annotation type is a lot like creating an interface, except that you precede the
定义新的注释类型与创建接口有很多类似之处, 只不过
about intelligence in the universe, about questions like free will and about creating technology.
还有关于宇宙中的智能 关于自由意志 以及创新技术的问题
Originated in the Loire Valley of France creating a perfect aperitif wine or accompaniment to food
The first step in creating an advanced filter is entering the filter criteria into the spreadsheet.
But researchers admit that creating the sensations of touch and smell will be the biggest challenge.
You can help him record his memories by creating a photo album or by interviewing him for an oral history.
He seems an alchemist, scooping out the true meaning of the building continuously, creating concise beauty.
Deepening Cognition, Standing out Important Point and Creating New Achievement for Spiritual Civilization Again
Contains topics that describe how to perform advanced extensibility tasks, such as creating surrogate policies.
The aesthetic ability refers to the ability of discovering, feeling, understanding, appreciating and creating beauty.
Note that theres absolutely nothing about the vocabulary that restricts you to creating only descriptions of yourself.
Creating an atmosphere of acceptance through empathy makes for an easier time with discipline and applying consequences.
The upper thigh is the same length as the lower thigh, creating moderate stifle joint angulation when viewed in profile.
By simulating actual motion, the device diminishes the nausea sometimes associated with VR while creating an enhanced sense of realism for VR system users.

单词 creating 释义

  • 单词释义:创造( create的现在分词 );引起;造成;封  [更多..]



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