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单词 crisis state 例句大全,用单词crisis state造句:

being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency.
On the boundary of public crisis and state of emergency
Thus the state lurches from one fiscal crisis to the next.
The state government has lurched from one budget crisis to another.
A survey of mode on nurses dealing with crisis state of psychotic inpatients
The crisis puts strong political pressure on the state government to come to the rescue.
This profound crisis of legitimacy is further compounded by the paralysis of State institutions.
国家体制机构的瘫痪, 使这场严重的合法性危机雪上加霜。
In order to address that crisis, my Government has declared a state of emergency on food security.
为解决这些危机, 我国政府宣布粮食保障处于紧急状态。
Research for the related factors between the psychological state and the vascular crisis for digital replantation patient after smoking ban
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