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单词 creative set 例句大全,用单词creative set造句:

To set a new standard of creative quality.
The creative team then set about bringing their idea to life in the chosen media.
Factory is a set of creative design, productionmade uniforms as one of the company.
我厂是一家集创意设计, 生产订做为一体的制服公司。
From now on, President of the National Day of the Cyberport set off a whirlwind of creative big!
从现在起, 总统数码港国庆掀起创意大旋风!
Similarly, creative comments consisted of a set of modular copyright licenses for artistic works.
The method of creative writing instruction can improve the writing attitude of the experimental set.
The creative recognition ability to the experimental set can be enhanced by creative thinking instruction.
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