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单词 designed discharge 例句大全,用单词designed discharge造句:

A vacuum UV electrodeless discharge lamp is designed.
Specially designed sheen filter for polishing the water before discharge.
The discharge port is specially designed so as to facilitate the operation.
独特的出料口设计, 方便易操作。
The negative ion air cleaner is designed by the principle negative corona discharge.
An analysis of uncertainty of the designed discharge of intercepting combined sewerage
The hollow axis with holes on the wall is designed because of the discharge of filtrate.
本机传动轴被设计成空心轴, 在相应的位置开孔, 供滤液排出。
Based on the large orifice discharge theory, the kiss gating system of the casting was designed.
The machine can also be designed to feeding and discharge automatically in accordance with requirements.
The new designed structure of crushing chamber can make discharge clearance adjustable within a large range.
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单词 designed discharge 释义

  • 单词释义:设计排放量,设计流量  [更多..]



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