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单词 desk work 例句大全,用单词desk work造句:

To work at the cask desk, you need a basic qualification In maths
To work at the cash desk, you need a basic qualification in maths.
为了能在出纳工作, 你需持有数学合格证。
She groaned inwardly as she saw the fresh pile of work on her desk.
Keep a water bottle at your desk when you work, and refill it regularly.
After a day at work slumped over a desk, it's good to get some exercise.
He will rap at the desk when he have difficulty work out a math problem.
Move or rearrange your desk or work tables away from windows if possible.
如果条件允许, 将你的桌子或者办公桌从窗口移开。
The next day Peter was back at his desk, but his mind was not on his work.
第二天上班的时候, 彼得心猿意马。
Film shooting in order to succeed, Wan brothers have done a lot of desk work.
为了影片的拍摄成功, 万氏兄弟做了大量的案头工作。
Stylish room with leather armchairs, work desk, bathrobes and free mineral water.
Every day I go to work on time to guarantee the proper operation of the front desk.
我每天按时上班, 以保证前台工做的成功进止。
He began to ransack his tutor's desk for a piece of wax, or twine, necessary to his work.
I do need to leave my work out on the desk without having it looked into by nosy visitors.
Executive quirk Raised the legs of his desk to let him work and use his computer standing up.
In these instances we told the staff to contact the front desk to work out the difficulty. Nevertheless, it was a hassle.
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