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单词 delivering 例句大全,用单词delivering造句:

Summarize of Handled Difficulty about Delivering Head of Foetus in New Type of Caesarean Operation.
missile siege Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area.
火箭炮车虽然精度欠缺, 但可以进行大范围杀伤。
Isabel Your strength has never been appreciated as much as today, Godric. Thank you for delivering me.
The vast majority of global health problems do not consist so much of finding a cure as delivering one.
We agree with you about how an Assassination rogue should play setting up a kill and then delivering it.
Cause of air amount delivering apportion of air condition piping system inadequate to a bus is analyzed.
The whole people have supported the government by delivering grain, paying taxes and buying state bonds.
A trade is carried out by the seller delivering securities and the buyer delivering funds in proper form.
在交易中, 卖方与买方同时交割证券和相应资金的情况。
The post office has made early preparation for the delivering of this year's letters of college admission.
Method The case analysis of difficulty about delivering head of foetus in new type of caesarean operation.
Again the next Saturday, at exactly the same time, I found myself delivering another rose to Miss Caroline.
Delivering oxygen within windpipe via fibrobronchoscope to treat aspiration induced acute respiratory failure
However, leading the congregational Prayers and delivering the Friday khutbahs cannot be carried out by women.
Deduction and Computer Aided Design of Cam Curve of Transmission Mechanism by Fork Rod Delivering and Receiving
Difficulty about delivering head of foetus in new type of caesarean operation be resulted in by various factors.
The cilia and the mucous cells play important roles in choosing food particles and delivering food to the mouth.
This has considerably undercut the prospects of delivering various forms of assistance to the Palestinian people.
Discovery is delivering a new astronaut sleeping quarters, an ammonia tank and a gyroscope for the space station.
Delivering a mighty sense of vision pounds at the dint, attraction, culture affinity with think the elephant dint.
传递出强大的视觉冲击力, 吸引力, 文化亲和力和想象力。
Pharmacokinetics of an Implanted Osmotic Pump Delivering Sufentanil for the Treatment of Chronic Pain Fisher DM, et al.
Coils of DCS were detached by rotating the delivering wire after the coils were satisfactorily positioned in aneurysms.
and the warehousing conveyor and the delivering conveyor are respectively positioned at one side or two sides of a ground way.
入库输送机和出库输送机, 分别设在地轨的一侧或两侧。
On an appointed day Herod, having put on his royal apparel, took his seat on the rostrum and began delivering an address to them.
Related Factor of Difficulty in Delivering Head of Foetus in New Type of Caesarean Operation and Countermeasure of Preventive Handles.
Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived.

单词 delivering 释义

  • 单词释义:递送,交付( deliver的现在分词 );发表;交出;发动  [更多..]



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