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单词 delicate color 例句大全,用单词delicate color造句:

a delicate flavor,odor,color,etc.
Chardonnay shows a delicate golden color a touch of green.
Peach bright color, flavor diethylene glycol, delicate meat, Zhishui rich.
桃色泽鲜艳, 风味甘醇, 肉质细腻, 汁水丰盛。
Lotus root starch was a thin sheet of Lake, texture delicate, rosy in color since.
西湖藕粉呈薄片状, 质地细腻, 色泽自里透红。
Longjing tea is famous for its green color, delicate aroma, taste and beautiful shape.
Colors that mimic the delicate balance of color found in the flora and fauna of nature.
Longjing tea is famous for its green color, delicate aroma, mellow taste and beautiful shape.
You know, fine green tea not only has its delicate fragrance and mellowness, but also its typical pure green color.
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