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单词 Cisco Systems 例句大全,用单词Cisco Systems造句:

Cisco Systems reported a drop in quarterly profit.
Cisco Systems new North Carolina offices boast a pair of pods too.
John T. Chambers is Chairman of the Board and CEO of Cisco Systems, Inc.
One of the things that we promise to do, Cisco was to sell systems to Cisco.
我们承诺的一件事情, 是将系统卖给。
The Brazilian headquarters of Cisco Systems is raided as part of an investigation into tax evasion.
Its nearly60 consultants ferret out software errors for companies like Microsoft and Cisco Systems.
Notable clients include Apple Computer, Abbott Labs, AudiVW, BMW, Boston Scientific, Clorox, Cisco Systems, Dell, Logitech, Medtronic, Motorola, Nissan, Nike, The North Face, and Palm Computing.
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单词 Cisco Systems 释义

  • 单词释义:思科系统公司总部所在地:美国主要业务:电子电气  [更多..]



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