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单词 chronic pain 例句大全,用单词chronic pain造句:

The Clinical Study of Kidney Tonifying and Tendon Relieving Decoctionon Chronic Pain in the Loins and Legs Caused by Dampness and Heat
This method is indicated for certain chronic diseases, such as asthma, the impairment of the lung due to overstrain and intractable pain.
Chronic pain is generally defined as persistent pain, like daily migraines, or pain that continues after an injury heals or fails to heal.
They won't work for everyone, but there's a strong chance, if you suffer from chronic pain, they?? l make your life a lot more comfortable.
Analysis of the therapeutic effect of precutanous radiofrequency neurotomy on chronic neck and shoulder pain by a randomized single blind study
Although an estimated 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, only 26% of those battling moderate to severe pain see the proper specialists.
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