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单词 Christmas Day 例句大全,用单词Christmas Day造句:

Early very good! Wishes in advance everybody Christmas day to be joyful!
They eat these foods on the night before Christmas and on Christmas day.
It's Christmas Day tomorrow, so I wish you the compliments of the season.
Could you show me a beautiful christmas gifts on christmas day thank you.
你可以在圣诞节送我一份美丽的圣诞礼物吗 谢谢。
And you're waiting for recovery as you were waiting for the Christmas day.
你就像等待圣诞节一样 等待着康复
No family member had ever missed Christmas Day with our mother and father.
I spent a lonely Christmas Eve and Christmas day this year though I got him.
I did never celebrate Christmas Day, but I'd like to look around in these days.
我从来没有庆祝圣诞节的习惯, 但也乐于在此期间四处看看。
Soldiers from the two armies stopped fighting and fraternized on Christmas Day.
Christmas Eve, which is annually on December24, is the day before Christmas Day.
In many places, a blanket of clean white snow covers the ground on Christmas Day.
One Christmas Day, William was crowned king of England Norman Conquest of England.
He'll be in the hospital over Christmas, so we'll be spending our Christmas Day there.
We buried him not far from the house that he was raised in just prior to Christmas day.
And the Christmas Day bomber almost succeeded in attacking the United States of America.
最后圣诞节轰炸者几乎成功的 袭击了美国。
Cyber Import offices, along with most factories in China, are all open on Christmas day.
Heartfelt wish domestic and foreign Public figure Collects the friend Christmas day cheerful!
It was the Christmas Day and the judge of Britain was in a good mood as he questioned the prisoner.
罪犯写给监狱的上级机关和司法机关的信件, 不受检查。
In the United Kingdom the Christmas season traditionally runs for twelve days following Christmas Day.
在英国, 圣诞季传统上是紧接着圣诞节的十二天时间。
Research the customs of those who celebrate Old Christmas Day and try some of them with family and friends.
On Christmas day everything went wrong with me. Eg The policeman checked around the hotel to catch the thief.
TITe is no adversity on Christmas day.Even the soldiers are not adverse to fighting.EVery abundanceone is affable.
The church starts and does not have the Christmas day, ascends to heaven in Jesus the latter more than hundred year talent to have approximately.
It is so called because it was the day on which Christmas Day wascelebrated under the Roman calendar, before the adoption of theGregorian calendar.
在乔治亚历通用以前, 这一天是以罗马历计算的圣诞节。
The first regular Saturday matinee was a Christmas Day, 1931, performance of Humperdinck's 19th-century opera Hansel and Gretel, based on the fairy tale of the same name.
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