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单词 choke off 例句大全,用单词choke off造句:

Why did you choke my speech off
When did the enemy choke off our supplies
She kept talking and nobody could choke her off.
她说个不停, 没人能阻止她。
Smoking is harmful, and I have to choke my husband off.
吸烟是有害的, 我不得不强行阻止我丈夫。
The girl talked endlessly and her mother had to choke her off.
女孩讲个没完, 她的母亲不得不加以阻止。
Ah! Something has gone off my breast that was like to choke me.
I wonder why he always tries to choke me off from going to see him.
The first chance to choke off the flow for good should come in about a week.
Shut off the lower pipe ram, open the choke line and test the next ram and choke line.
关下部钻杆闸板, 开放喷阀, 试压第二个闸板和放喷泉管线。
They warned the Chancellor that raising taxes in the Budget could choke off the recovery.
This would choke off supplies of fresh credit to the economy and lead to a more severe downturn.
Yet it is also essential that nations resist the temptation to overcorrect by imposing regulations that would stifle innovation and choke off growth.
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单词 choke off 释义

  • 单词释义:中止做;使放弃做;批评;责备  [更多..]



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