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单词 chocolate milk 例句大全,用单词chocolate milk造句:

Finishes with milk chocolate notes. A good quaff for roast pork or barbecue fare.
I'll have a cheese burger、 French fries and a large chocolate milk shake, please.
Dark chocolate contains higher quantities of the chemical than plain or milk chocolate.
Kinder Chocolate is rich in milk and it is conceived especially, but not only, for kids.
It is the color of milk, with maybe just a little chocolate added to make it light brown.
它是牛奶的颜色, 也许只是一点点巧克力加入使浅棕色。
In a medium saucepan, cook sugar, chocolate, milk, corn syrup together, stirring occasionally.
Cappuccino a type of coffee made with hot frothy milk and sometimes with chocolate powder on the top
卡普契诺咖啡, 卡布奇诺咖啡
The milk seems to be the perfect match to the chocolate of the oreo, making the duo one of the best.
Coat cake with milk chocolate cream. Decorate sides with chocolate rice and top withand strawberries.
在蛋糕洒上可可粉, 加上巧克力和草莓装饰即可。
And consumption of milk and dark chocolate was associated with improved impulse control and reaction time.
The set features a pair of pliers, a couple of spanners and a wrench all beautifully cast in milk chocolate.
Today, I asked my brother to make me a drink of chocolate milk because I am bed ridden after breaking my leg.
When I saw that look on her face and looked at the chocolate milk running down the wall, I simply started laughing.
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