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单词 chop up 例句大全,用单词chop up造句:

So you mean you want him to chop me up and feed me to pool
It sure is, all I did was chop it up and fry it with ginger.
Why not just chop her up in pieces and stutt her in the dumpster
Honestly, I mean, you want him to chop me up and feed me to poor.
He had to get up at 5 am, and chop wood light the fire for breakfast.
Could you please chop some up and just put it right there in the sauce?
His coterie of execs were up to their pin stripes in a chop suey of deals
Break up to pork sell for pigskin of lean lean, chop, fat no wonder perhaps.
This bookcase is so old and useless that you as well chop it up for firewood.
When smoking, use a dagger to chop up the smog each time comes out from the mouth.
This furniture is so old and useless that you might as well chop it up for firewood.
Or Pick up the lamb chop with your teeth and shakeyour head vigorously, side to side.
或者吃羊排的时候要用牙去叼, 然后使劲晃头, 左右晃。
Chop the apples, celery sticks and cucumber into small pieces and slice up a piece of ginger.
把苹果, 芹菜, 黄瓜切成小块, 并将姜也切碎备用。
It is prohibited to set up chop and seal engraving stalls outside the places checked and ratified by the License.
If this happened, you had to chop it up into 5 kg pieces and put one piece into the mixture for each future batch.
如果这件事发生, 你砍它分散成5公斤件, 重新回笼。
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