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单词 bride groom 例句大全,用单词bride groom造句:

It's bad uck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.
The bride and groom have one last toast before the wedding bed.
新娘新郎在上喜床之前, 要干上最后一杯。
The bride went to change dress and the groom could have a rest.
新娘子去换新礼服, 新郎坐下来暂作休息。
Wedding guests traditionally give gifts to the bride and groom.
依照传统, 参加婚礼的客人要向新郎新娘赠送礼物。
Have you ever seen the bride groom welcoming the bride by boat?
The girl holding the bouquet looked over at the bride and groom.
The guests applaud and throw confetti at the bride and the groom.
At the wedding reception, the bride and groom greet their guests.
The bride and groom stood by the door to welcome in their guests.
They clinked their glasses together to toast the bride and groom.
I'm sure you'll all join me in congratulating the bride and groom.
May the bride and groom live happily ever after to a ripe old age.
祝愿这对新人白头偕老, 永远幸福。
The bride and groom were so happy, and a good time was had by all.
新郎新娘幸福无比, 大家都玩得很愉快。
Can you keep the bride and groom happy and Quinn's business afloat?
I acted in the capacity of backer, or best man, to the bride groom.
我充当陪新郎的, 也就是男傧相。
A white car turned up to take the groom and the bride to the church.
Most wedding cakes are topped off with a Bride and Groom on the top.
Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom!
请各位将酒杯斟满, 向新娘, 新郎祝酒!
The father of the bride symbolically gives his daughter to the groom.
Just a reminder this is to be shared just between the bride and groom.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please raise you glasses to the bride and groom.
女士们, 先生们, 让我们为新娘新郎的健康干杯!
The wedding guests were given confetti to fling at the bride and groom.
The bride and groom walked down the aisle together on their wedding day.
The barefoot bride and groom take pride of place at the picnic reception.
Will you now all join with me in drinking a toast to the bride and groom!
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