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单词 breaching 例句大全,用单词breaching造句:

The court granted the plaintiff an injunction restraining the defendant from breaching copyright.
法院应原告申请签发禁令, 制止被告侵犯版权。
Concurrence between liability for breaching contract and tort has long been a controversial issue.
Each party shall be entitled to lodge a claim against, and to be reimbursed by, the other breaching party.
如一方违反合同, 另一方有权按本合同规定索赔。
Whoever endangers public security by setting fires, breaching dikes, causing explosions, administering poison
放火, 决水, 爆炸, 投毒
Any reasonable expense incurred by the other party in preventing further loss shall be borne by the breaching party.
Breaching of Public Order and Good Customs is the substantive standard on judging the effectiveness of de facto contract.
The breaching of the dyke immediately endangered 145, 000 residents downstream, as well as 8, 193 hectares of arable land.

单词 breaching 释义

  • 单词释义:攻破( breach的进行时 );破坏,违反  [更多..]



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