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单词 bribery crime 例句大全,用单词bribery crime造句:

On the Range Expansion of the Main Bodies of Commercial Bribery Crime in Legislation
Fourthly, the subjective part of bribery crime is provided as intention consistently.
But for hospital governors who receive rebate, they are convicted of crime of bribery.
On Dissymmetrical Relationship between Crime of Bribery and Crime of Accepting Bribery
Chapter V is to use the influence of complicity in the crime of bribery shape analysis.
Determination of the Criminal Pattern of Bribery Crime Committed By Employees of Enterprises
Therefore, we can not copy the crime of dereliction of duty and bribery of the main provisions.
This part is focus on the unique features of the target of the performance shares bribery crime.
It has been urgent affairs to reasoningly analyse and remedy the legislation on the bribery crime in our country.
On the Crime of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and the Crime of Bribery of Official of a Public International Organization
论贿赂外国公职人员, 国际公共组织官员罪
Thirdly, to reconsider the kinds of punishment of bribery crime how to establishment and the death penalty be repealed or retained.
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