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单词 break out in 例句大全,用单词break out in造句:

So Ray and I break in and find out.
to break out in spots/ a rash/ a sweat
突然出了一身红点/ 疹子/ 汗
to sally out in attempt to break the siege
突击以图冲破包围, 突围
Break out Fighting broke out in the prison cells.
I locked myself out of our apartment and had to break in.
Such a stereotypical introduction is making me break out in goose bumps!
The new tenants locked themselves out of their apartment and had to break in.
新房客被自己反锁在屋外, 于是只好破门进去。
If there is brotherliness in our mind, our strength shall break out universe.
如果我们拥有友爱, 我们的力量便可以划破漫漫长空。
A person who is allergic to cashews may break out in a rash when he consumes these nuts.
The tendency for international crises to break out in August has persisted into the modern age.
And I will break thy bow in thy left hand, and I will cause thy arrows to fall out of thy right hand.
在那里我要打掉你左手上的弓, 打落你右手上的箭。
After a bomb explodes nearby and the dust settles, soldiers in a foxhole sometimes break out laughing.
So as to administer a shock and make him break out in a sweat, and then to give him sincere advice on getting treatment.
使患者为之一惊, 出一身汗, 然后好好地叫他们治疗。
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单词 break out in 释义

  • 单词释义:开始显露; 开始现出;爆发出;吓出一身冷汗  [更多..]



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