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单词 boiling point 例句大全,用单词boiling point造句:

In particular, high boiling point solvent recovery, this is better equipment.
尤其回收高沸点的废溶剂时, 这是更理想的设备。
Water whose boiling point is at 98 degree Centigrade has no color, no flavor.
The bobble detachment point of subcooled boiling was identified by visual method.
At its boiling point a liquid has a vapor pressure equal to the external pressure.
液体到达沸点时, 其蒸汽压等于外压。
Commonly considered to occur at a temperature below the boiling point of the liquid.
When the water temperature is below the boiling point of water a binary system is used.
当水温低于水的沸点时, 就要使用双流系统。
This ridiculous scene in the boiling point on the network television channel New Books!
Heat liberated by a unit mass of gas at its boiling point as it condenses into a liquid.
When the external pressure is below atmospheric pressure, the boiling point will be lower.
Cooking of food by immersion in water, stock, or other liquid heated to its Boiling point.
食品烹调方法, 将食物浸没在水中, 加热到接近沸点。
Dissolved mineral matter is not volatile at the boiling point of water and remains behind.
Correlation Studies Between the Molecular Topological Index and Boiling Point for Haloalkanes
Steam is formed if the boiling point pressure for the temperature of the reservoir is reached.
如果达到对应于热储温度的沸点压力, 就会形成蒸气。
Relationship between Molecular Structure and Boiling Point of Aliphatic Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Constant Boiling Substances, Constant Boiling Point and Constant Boiling Distillation of Alcohol
恒沸物, 恒沸点与酒精恒沸蒸馏
Whats the boiling point or the sublimation temperature of some material at a particular pressure.
When popcorn is heated, the oil and water pass the boiling point and turn into pressurized steam.
What's the boiling point or the sublimation temperature of some material at a particular pressure?
The boiling point of alcohol is low, and easy to volatilize, it is key to promote alcohol recovery.
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Lignin of rice husk high boiling point solvent digesting process with aqueous solvent of ethanediol.
Calculating the boiling point of alkanes and cycloalkane from the information of molecular structure
The real boiling point distillation out for stable condensate by using precision distillation column.
Black paint, foil and insulation work together to raise the temperature to the boiling point of water.
A new method based on elements and chemical bonds for estimating normal boiling point of organic compounds
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