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单词 block head cylinder 例句大全,用单词block head cylinder造句:

cylinder block and head
We mainly produce the cylinder block and cylinder head castings.
Position the cylinder heads onto head gaskets and cylinder block.
Machining Method and Equipment of Cylinder Block and Cylinder Head
机体, 缸盖的加工方法和设备
Like the cylinder block, the head is made from either cast iron or aluminum alloy.
像气缸体一样, 气缸盖是由铸铁或者铝合金制成。
Production and analyses and repair of the crackle of cylinder block and cylinder head
气缸体与气缸盖的裂纹产生, 检验与修理
The features of cylinder block and cylinder head core assembly vertical casting process are introduced.
介绍了缸体, 缸盖组芯立浇工艺的特点。
A cantilever screw rod is arranged on the positioning bearing block and is ensured to be coaxial with a seal head cylinder body.
悬臂螺杆安装在定位轴承座上, 并保证与封头筒体同轴。
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