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单词 blossom out 例句大全,用单词blossom out造句:

Do you know when flowers blossom out?
The sunshine will bring out the blossom.
They seemed to blossom out on the big stage.
在大的舞台上, 他们似乎欢快起来。
She might blossom out into the world one day.
My apple tree has finally come out in blossom.
Flowers blossom out beautifly in Heather Valley.
Blossom out with the flowers, grow up with the sapling.
与花儿一同开放, 和小树一起成长。
The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year.
Perhaps Megan was at her window, looking out at the blossom.
也许梅根正站在窗口, 看着窗外的花儿。
Tomorrow is another day! The flower will blossom out in spring!
The hot weather has brought out all the blossom on the fruit trees.
Bao Jianfeng from sharpening out, plum blossom from the bitter cold.
宝剑锋从磨砺出, 梅花喷鼻自苦寒来。
By the time the daffodil is out of blossom, winter is about to retire.
All the flowers blossom out when the spring rain form a half moats water.
Peach and cherry trees are out in blossom, and we've seen quite a few birds.
桃树和樱桃树已进入花期, 我们看见了不少鸟儿。
You are not a casual flower; you will blossom out more brightly without him.
Studies on falling out of glumes of the mature larvae of wheat red blossom midge
So the stink will fly out the window, leaving the car interior lotus blossom fresh.
Elephant Trunk Hill juts out into the Li River where it joins the Peach Blossom River.
The doctor has taken out plum blossom needle, and is going to give an acupuncture treatment.
医生拿出梅花针, 准备进行针灸疗法。
She can produce a pop, contemporary sound, but she can also blossom out into a light soprano.
她能够唱出现代流行歌曲, 但也能转变成清新女高音。
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单词 blossom out 释义

  • 单词释义:开花;成长; 发展;活跃愉快起来  [更多..]



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