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单词 blood test 例句大全,用单词blood test造句:

A report on the new blood test appeared last week in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Study on the effect of partial blood test results by deep vein conduit blood sampling
So, beatrice, we received the results of last week's blood test, and you have syphilis
比阿特丽斯, 我们拿到了上星期的验血报告你感染了梅毒
Clinical significance of fecal occult blood test in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer
He replied as gently as he could that Jennys blood test had been repeated three times.
他尽可能温和地回答说, 詹妮的血已经验过三次了。
A haematocrit test measures the total volume that red blood cells take up in the blood.
The Influence of Blood Routine Test Result by Using Intravenous Cannula for Blood Collection
The blood test when donating blood when say my hematin is little, what meaning be excuse me?
An avian veterinarian can perform a blood test to measure your African grey's calcium levels.
An important screening test for colorectal cancers and polyps is the stool occult blood test.
A report done on the new blood test appeared last week in the anos Annals of Internal Medicine.
Relationship between the Gingival Crevicular Fluid Occult Blood Test and Periodontal Inflammation
He was frightened by the results of his blood test, for all tested items show positive reactions.
Will you please come tomorrow morning before breakfast with an empty stomach to have a blood test.
You need to go to the first floor to pay, then go back to the second floor and have your blood test.
Objective To test and verify the function of Xuehai activating blood circulation and removing stasis.
Fecal occult blood test and colonoscopy have been proven to be the effective tools for CRC screening.
Selecting the blood sample taking point for accuracy test of Hematoglobin among the several body parts in common used
Slight tenderness over epigastric region, heart beat 120min, stool tarry like, occult blood test showed strong positive.
Slight tenderness over epigastric region, heart beat120 min, stool tarry like, occult blood test showed strong positive.
Application of sequential fecal occult blood test in consecutive screening of colorectal carcinoma for natural population
Checkoff, doctor let him go to the laboratory blood test, young Yan has rejected immediately, said continually feared hurts.
检查完毕, 医生让他去化验室验血, 小严马上拒绝了, 连称怕疼。
Effect of the Location of Blood Collecting and Blood Specimens Drying Time on the Result of Screening Test of Newborn Disease
Diabetics have to test their blood sugar levels from two to 8 times a day by drawing a droplet of blood with a fingerprick test.
Evaluating the function of the vas endothelium cell of coronary heart disease with the cold pressor test and the peripheral artery blood stream drawing
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