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单词 blunt body 例句大全,用单词blunt body造句:

A cigar with a long, tapering body and blunt ends.
一种长雪茄烟, 一端粗一端细, 两端都很钝
Measurement of the underwater acoustic field in water entry of blunt body
Investigation of Cross Form Blunt Body Pulverized Coal Stabilizer With Protective Cover
Description It is a relatively small goby with cylindrical body and a relatively blunt snout.
形容小型鰕虎鱼, 躯干呈圆筒形, 吻部短钝。
Foreign bodies are removed by passing a blunt hook deep to the foreign body and raking it out.
Computation of Transonic Turbulent Flow Around a Blunt Nosed Short Body at Large Angle of Attack
A primary investigation of drag reduction and mechanism for a blunt body of revolution with slanted base
Comparison of computational results of the flow around a blunt nosed and short body at large angles of attack
Thermal and chemical model effect on the calculation of aerodynamic parameter for hypersonic reentry blunt body
The next most likely methods were, in order, blunt objects, other body parts such as the head, and sharp objects.
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